Friday, March 27, 2009

Like Daddy

I can't help but feel that Chubbs is a miniature version of Fuzzy. Like his daddy, Chubbs has an affinity for all electronics. Since birth, he has been fascinated with light fixtures (when they are not turned on), cameras, laptops, second hands on watches, automatic watches (because he can hear the whirring sound), phones, camcorders, remote controls, and especially switches. He often stays in his crib, staring at the plain, white, light switch above for 15-min. And he'll take off and crawl at lightning speed to grab phones and cameras the second we leave them in his vicinity... we sometimes can't get him to go for his brightly-coloured, rattly toys no matter how much we try to entice him with them. He enjoys being my companion when I'm on the laptop... lying beside me, watching the screen.

This is him craning his neck to check out Tai-Gong's camcorder.

Studying how blocks get stacked.

Chubbs also adores cars (Fuzzy's first love). I carry him by the gate or window most evenings to watch the cars go by. I teach him colours, car brands and types of vehicles (MPV, van, SUV, coupe, sedan, truck, motorcycle, taxi, etc.). Also, we play this game of turning in the direction that we hear a car coming from. Amazing thing is, Chubbs has a much more acute sense of hearing than I do (I blame the live concerts). Sometimes he turns, I follow wondering why, not seeing or hearing anything at first, and finally noticing engine sounds 3 seconds later. Chubbs will hold his gaze and follow the car as it passes.

We think he'll be an engineer, in Marketing or R&D for cars, in Finance like daddy, or an electrician when he grows up. I'm praying for the former few.