Sunday, October 11, 2009

Strawberries and Isabelle

Over the weekend, I gave Chubbs a taste of strawberries, from a jar. I have these organic jars of strawberry and pear combo purees, to which I added some oatmeal cereal to thicken to a more suitable consistency, before giving to Chubbs.I waited till he was past 1 year old before feeding him strawberries, because they are highly allergenic to young babies.

Anyhow, neither Chubbs' appetite nor his interest in food has returned, so he hardly took any of the food. I had an idea and diluted it with some water, and let him drink it like a smoothie. He emptied his cup. Chubbs is really a water baby. He loves drinking water, juices, milk, and now, I have learnt, smoothies too. Great.

My friend, M, and I arranged to meet on Saturday, since we haven't seen each other in so long. I was also looking forward to see her darling, Isabelle, and let the babies play together. As the adults had our third cuppa joe of the day and chatted, I fed Chubbs some kamut puffs as part of his lunch. Isabelle was watching on intently as Chubbs ate, so I gave Isabelle some to try (with Chubbs' permission) and she liked them too. The sweetest thing happened when Isabelle fed Chubbs the puffs from her stash, and he ate from her hand. So adorable!

Step 1: Aim.
Look at her porcelain doll haircut. Too cute!

Step 2: Feed.

Step 3: Enjoy!