Monday, October 5, 2009

Kamut Puffs and the Thudguard

I gave Chubbs some organic kamut puffs a couple of days back (because puffs are the only things he willingly eats right now), and he loves them! Kamut is an ancient grain that is almost 20% protein, high in Vitamin E, and is considered a high energy grain. What I feed him is basically puffed whole organic kamut grains, with no added salt, preservatives, sugar, etc. It's delicious too. I love it because it is nutty and sweet; almost tastes like it's slightly coated in honey. Yum!

On a different note, since Chubbs has been walking around more with his newly honed skills, he has been getting more thuds and knocks on his noggin'. The bruises and bumps on his face and head are really worrisome :( To minimise further damage, we have enlisted the help of Thudguard.

We gave Chubbs time to play with it as a toy for the first day, and after that, he was happy to wear it while pottering about in his playpen. It cracks me up everytime I see him in it, because he just looks too adorable :) Only problem is that Chubbs perspires a lot, and the helmet worsens the situation. Hence, we have to remind ourselves to take it off for him to cool down ever so often.