Friday, October 23, 2009

Freedom Beans

I'd admit... when Fuzzy and I are in the mood for kidney beans in our salads, we simply pop a can open, drain the water, toss and eat. But when it comes to Chubbs, I try to do everything from scratch. So I soaked some organic dark red kidney beans in water overnight (in the fridge, so they don't ferment), and boiled them for 1 1/2-hours the next morning, in time for his lunch.

Kidney beans are great, because they contain the highest amounts of iron and protein amongst the beans. Key points for choosing food for Chubbs. Also, Chubbs can easily feed himself these, with no utensils. Perfect!

He gamely ate some, but I could tell he did not quite fancy its taste nor texture.

For a while now, Chubbs has been running around the garden at sunset. His new-found freedom makes him an extremely happy little boy. He loves exploring the plants and grass, feeling the soil and plucking blades of grass to feel the texture (and eat them!).

We grow some herbs in the garden, so Fuzzy plucked some kaffir lime leaves, basil, and lemon balm mint, rubbed them in his hands separately, for Chubbs to discover their fragrances. He loved sniffing them! So much so that when he was eating his dinner afterwards, he started smelling his carrots and broccoli before eating them. So cute.