Friday, October 9, 2009

13-Months and a Wedding Dinner

I thought to myself this morning... didn't we just celebrate his birthday? Has another month passed already? I am ageing faster than I had previously imagined :( Anyhow, 13-month old Chubbs is learning at an alarming rate. I showed him the ASL for "book" once, he learnt it instantly, and added it to his ever-expanding repertoire of signs.

He has mastered walking for a few weeks already, and now seizes every opportunity to shuttle run the length of his cot. I'm expecting him to lose some weight now that he is so much more active, but still nibbling on his food :/

Running around, acting like Casper.

Today, we also attended the wedding dinner of our friends, R and S, after Chubbs took a second nap. It was a beautiful and elaborate wedding, with a lovely video montage of their church ceremony. Chubbs behaved very well, and sat in his seat for most of the dinner, allowing Fuzzy and I to fill our tummies first. Afterwards, he was passed around amongst Fuzzy's female colleagues, giving my arms some rest. Chubbs had quite a bit of fun playing with their necklaces. Unfortunately, we had to leave before dessert was served, as it was pushing 11pm.

Two cameras on Chubbs at once.

Dear Aunty ST.