Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Fuzzy's my life-sized and real-time Handy Manny. I break all that is fixed, and he fixes all that is broken. And Chubbs' 87 year-old Tai-Gong (Great-Grandpa) still tends to the entire forest we call a garden with shears, sickles, shovels, axes, all on his own, every single day. He puts different gadgets and appliances together like a mad scientist to come up with new tools to help him out and produce higher efficiency. Chubbs has been watching them in action since birth and loves following Daddy and Tai-Gong around the house, absorbing and learning whatever's going on.

Because a lot of his toys are hand-me-downs from his cousins, it is no surprise to hear stuff like, "Mommy, car wheel missing", "Mommy, piano no sound" or "Mommy, car broken. Need to fix." Particularly, he has a range of toys that were supposed to be put together and taken apart by a set a tools that have failed to be located. We finally tracked it down in a store, and got Chubbs the battery-operated screw-driver so that he could start "fixing" his toys that are "broken".

Let's get drillin'.

Fixing the submarine.

And the boat.

I must say that he's really good at it! And Fuzzy was of course super proud of his little boy. Chubbs knew exactly where each part of the submarine/ boat/ race car was supposed to go when they were completely taken apart. I guess he knew how they looked like, but to know how and where to position the hull of the boat and which way to place the portholes of the submarine is pretty impressive. He has been taking things apart and fixing them back again, ever since.