Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home-Made Bread and the First Straw

Recently, Chubbs has been eating poorly. He's distracted at meal-times, has his mind on playing, and doesn't even want his favourite food. I'm thinking that it could partly be because he is tired of being fed, and literally wants to be more hands-on during meals. He is always happy when he gets to feed himself snacks like rice cakes, puffs and fruit. Running with the idea, I baked a loaf of bread for Chubbs' dinner today, using organic unbleached flour. It was simply yeast, flour and water. Turned out bland for us, but Chubbs loved it and ate a slice of it on his own.

After that, I fed him some cubes of watermelon, and he washed everything down with watermelon juice, through a straw for the first time tonight. And he managed it very well, and got the hang of things just after one try. It was amazing how quickly he downed the cup of juice, and even more water after. Fuzzy and I are going shopping for a good straw sippy cup for Chubbs soon :)

"I like watermelon..."

"But I like watermelon juice more!"