Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cottage Cheese and Milk

After seeing how much S's baby enjoyed his cottage cheese dinner the other night, Fuzzy and I bought a tub for Chubbs to try. We have delayed giving Chubbs dairy and soy products because he had colic (gas in stomach that resulted in non-stop crying for hours on end) and threw up a lot during the first few months, and it only went away after I cut out dairy and soy from my diet. He was sensitive to these foods, and was affected through breastmilk.

Unfortunately, Chubbs did not enjoy the cottage cheese at all. He violently rejected the mouthful and didn't eat anything else after that bite. I know this sounds strange, but I'm starting to suspect that Chubbs is naturally vegan :/ He doesn't enjoy meat/fish/egg/cheese, loves fruit and veg, and devours any form of grain or starch. If he had his way, he'd eat rice cakes, buckwheat puffs, sweet potato, bread, bananas, pumpkin, blueberries, etc, for every meal. But then again, I have read is many websites and books that babies tend to naturally shun foods that they know their bodies can't tolerate. I wonder if this is true for Chubbs. I tried feeding him eggs on 30 separate occasions (3 trays full), and he spat his lunch out every single time :/

But I will forge on. In efforts of increasing the amount of dairy in his diet, I baked him a batch of maple scones for breakfast. I used full fat fresh milk (Meiji), eggs, organic wholemeal flour, French butter and pure maple syrup. He liked it! Probably because it's carbs. But I'm happy, since I can get him to eat any egg and dairy by baking yummy treats. Yay!

If only he opens his mouth this wide when I'm feeding him :/