Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pomegranate, Acai and Blackberry

Chubbs had a taste of some pear, pomegranate, acai and blackberry puree yesterday afternoon. It's a new flavour from Heinz and it's still not available in Singapore; Aunty Jan brought it in from Vancouver for little Chubbs some time back. I was hoping this new taste sensation will snap Chubbs out of his current eating rut... well, not so current since it's been going on for months :(

He liked the taste of it (because he didn't spit it out), but was unwilling to have much. I don't know if it's the texture, or being fed by a spoon that he doesn't fancy. But it's been like that with Chubbs for a few months already. He fights me at every meal, and all he wants are bananas, plums, grapes, rice cakes, pancakes, and snacks. I could take the easy way out and feed him those everyday, but he won't be getting the nutrition he needs to grow up well. I've exhausted almost all methodological permutations that exist in getting a baby to eat, but with no avail. It's tiring, it's stressful, and I need him to start eating properly soon.

Keeping his mouth tightly shut :(

Pushing the food away with his tongue :(