Sunday, July 26, 2009

Smells Fishy

Chubbs has been eating very well over the past couple of weeks. Devouring his stewed beef and chicken meals with gusto. This gave me a huge confidence boost and I finally felt brave enough to make salmon for Chubbs' dinner last night. I made a vegetable stew with apples, peas and butternut squash, and would add the salmon in to cook just before feeding him. I stayed on the cautious side and only gave him about one teaspoon of fish to half a cup of vegetables and carbs.

He didn't take one bite; sniffing the offender out instantly. He clamped his mouth shut all through. I had no choice but to make him another meal with his favourite nectarine, cereal and flax. He even ate that hesitantly, afraid that I'll try to sneak in a spoonful of fish while he's not looking. Sigh.

"I'm not gonna budge!"

This morning, he refused breakfast too. It was a yummy one to boot; avocado with banana, peach and muesli. For lunch, he had to be coaxed into eating his beef stew. At dinner, I forged on and tried giving him salmon again. To Fuzzy and my amazement, he finished his meal rather willingly, despite having missed his afternoon nap. And he even managed a handful of blueberries for dessert! Good job, buddy!

I was afraid that he's sworn off food again, after the first salmon experience. This has always been my dilemma because I'm trying to feed him stuff that's good for him; he needs the fish oils for brain development etc. But by doing so, I'm potentially sabotaging an otherwise perfect eating routine. So do I not give him fish, and have him eat lots of other nutritious food happily, or do I try to force the issue and possibly have him not eat at all?

But I can't give up, even if it means having food flung at my face every meal, everyday. This can get very vexing, though :/ I'll give him salmon again tomorrow night, and see if he'll eat it again. Fingers crossed...