Friday, July 3, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

It has been a harrowing few days; I'm exhausted. Here's a recap of what our little family dealt with recently. We spent a total of about 3 hours in the hospital on Tuesday. It was a long and painful ordeal for little Chubbs. After our consultation with the PD, she suspected that Chubbs was not having a viral, but a bacterial infection, because of the long-drawn high fever of around 39-40 degree C. So Chubbs had a bag taped to his wee wee to collect urine to test for a bacterial infection, then some blood was collected from him to test for bacteria in the blood. The unsympathetic nurse pricked his finger and squeezed enough blood out to fill two small vials. She completely ignored his moans, but Chubbs was brave and did not cry. He only kept looking at me and going "mama" with a lot of pain in his face. I was heart-broken. I cuddled him for a good few minutes once all the necessary blood was drawn.

The bandage provided lots of amusement.

We left the hospital and went home to wait for the results of the blood test. They called us back about 90-min later, and the results confirmed that he had a bacterial infection. The dip stick test done on his urine showed that his pee was very dirty and the PD diagnosed it immediately as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Can you imagine how much he has been hurting for more than a week already? The stinging pain, the burning sensation... my poor baby. He was then held down for an ultra-sound of his kidneys to make sure that they are forming well, and are not scarred from the one week of UTI. Then he was pinned down again for an anti-biotic injection. The PD insisted on jabbing him because oral anti-biotics would not have worked fast enough. She warned us beforehand that this is one of the most painful injections ever, because it's intra-muscular and there was about 1.5ml of fluids that have to go into his thigh. Chubbs screamed in pain, but did not cry. He stopped moaning the instant I picked him and hugged him tight. Once we were out of the doctor's room, he was laughing and playing with the nurses again. Everyone (medically-inclined) whom we told about the injection was shocked and said, "That's a very painful one, you know? Did he cry a lot?" Nope, he didn't. That's why he's my baby hero. Unfortunately, he has to endure the pain at least twice more.

On the way to second jab. He knew what was coming.

Same thing the second time around, he yelped in pain, but did not cry. And proceeded to chatter excitedly to the nurses outside afters. Yesterday, we brought him back for his final anti-biotic jab. This time, he had another bag taped to his wee wee to collect a sample to see if the bacterial infection has cleared up. The jab went on, sans tears. But the bruises that the needles leave behind, causes a lot of pain in Mommy's heart :( We waited for him to pee before the dip stick test could be done. The good news is... Chubbs is UTI-free! Yippee! Urm... no pun intended...

Snoozng on a pillow, on Mommy's tummy.

The medication does not end here though. From today, I'll be giving him 2.5ml of Augmentin twice a day, and five drops of pro-biotics once every morning, together with his multi-vites. Giving Chubbs medicine and supplements is a laborious process. He is a fountain of endless wriggles, twists, struggles and squirms. I will persevere, and Chubbs will recover fully soon!