Chubbs' past two and has not had one haircut. Despite the incessant comments that he looks like a girl, and that his hair is too long, Fuzzy and I previously never saw the practical need to cut his hair because it wasn't so long that it annoyed him or covered his eyes. But Fuzzy and I are extremely sad that the time has finally come, when he can't see much with a gust of wind blowing at him. So we suited him up in a nifty shrug/ poncho, made specially by the Japanese for kids' hair-cutting sessions.
The first snip.
Looking very upset half-way through the cut.
It was nerve-wrecking for me because he was writhing and struggling throughout the haircut. I barely had seconds to position the scissors to snip. I hoped for the best since everything was estimated and rather inaccurate. So I was making the final touch-ups when the inevitable boo-boo happened. I closed the scissors on his ear. It bled a lot. He howled. I cursed. The bleeding stopped after 15-min and a bath, and Chubbs was back at eating his snacks. He's a tough cookie. Anyhow, I think he looks identical to Fuzzy now, not surprising since I'm Fuzzy's hairdresser as well.
Since Chubbs wasn't going to nap today, and the sun was shining fiercely, we decided to take him swimming at the Guild House; something we've been planning for weeks, but the weather has been uncooperative. As we were packing, Chubbs familiarised himself with his new floatation device, a
Konfidence buoyancy vest; he thought it was some form of head-gear.

He was very excited to get swimming; looking out for Daddy to get into the car so we could go, pronto!
At the pool, he was raring to go, but we had to hold him back while we suited him up. He was a good boy, and patiently allowed us to prep him for the pool.
Step 1:- Swim diaper and suit.
Step 2:- Zip up the buoyancy vest.
Step 3:- Swim hat.
He enjoyed every minute of the swim. He walked all around the wading pool, splashing his palms on the water,copying how the older kids were playing in the water, dunking his face on purpose, and playing with the pool toys that I brought.
Then he graduated to the big, Olympic-sized pool, where the temperature of the water was set much lower than the kids' wading pool. Fuzzy and Chubbs were mighty pleased with this. Chubbs loved it in the big pool (he actually kicked up a huge fuss when we tried to put him back in the baby pool)! He wasn't at all perturbed by the fact the he couldn't reach the bottom. Plus, he kept dunking himself underwater because he was squirming so much that Daddy couldn't quite get a firm hold on him. To our surprise, the little one didn't mind going under one bit too! That's my water baby!

At the end of the day, Chubbs learnt how to blow bubbles underwater (and not swallow too much chlorinated H2O), thanks to Fuzzy. I'm so proud of my boys with the matching hairdos. The only downside of the trip was the extremely upset little boy when it was time to leave the pools. So I promised him that we would go swimming again if the weather was good tomorrow. He perked up immediately. And when we asked him which pool he preferred swimming in, he immediately said, "big pool" without blinking.
p.s. Chubbs turned two on 9th Sept! And I apologize for being extreme backlogged on my posts. Keep checking back for the parties that went down.