Friday, August 28, 2009

Lunch with Old Classmates

Through the amazing world of IT, I have become re-acquainted with some of my Secondary school classmates, Pearl and Mich. Pearl and I used to hang out in Uni and after, but lost touch over the past few years. Why Pearl? I still don't know what happened. Anyway, she's 6-months preggers now! How exciting! And Mich has a gorgeous 14-month old baby girl, Audrey.

We met at Simply Bread at 6th Ave yesterday, and chatted about mommy stuff, and mused about how time flies, over large sandwhiches, while the kiddos got to know each other. The had a ball exchanging toys and taking turns to throw them on the floor :( At least I amused Pearl and Mich with my germaphobia as I scrambled to clean every toy that touched the floor, before giving them back to the babies :/ I brought a pack of buckwheat puffs for Audrey to try, but she was more keen to play with the bag itself!

Chubbs recognized his snack and wanted the bag back :/

Audrey was very kind to share some puffs with Chubbs later, when he finished the snacks that I brought him. She's walking very steadily now, and was showing Chubbs the ropes by pottering around the cafe with Mama Mich. She walked right up to Chubbs and posed for pictures too. Clever girl!

The party came to an end when the babies got tired. But it was so much fun watching them play together. And Chubbs has a lot to learn from Audrey too. She's such a sweet and intelligent girl. Way to go, Mich! Till your next holiday...