Thursday, January 7, 2010

It Will be a Great Year...

Because the first thing I tasted after the clock struck was Cape Mentelle's Botrylis Viognier. It was staggeringly good. Maybe it's the bit of alcohol working, but this year, I've decided to share my resolutions. Hopefully, the stress that comes with broadcasting this personal information on a public medium will help me keep to them better. Here goes...

1) Exercise three times a week- Having just given birth, was the excuse I've made up for the bulge under my belly button. But my 16-month old son can now dribble a ball around the house, and calls me on my bluffs, so I guess that lame excuse is out the window. And I know, that exercise should be an everyday routine. But let's be realistic. And by exercise, I mean anything that gets me off my *ss. Not necessarily marathons or swimming 1500m, but maybe a hike, some yoga, light weights or a slow walk.

2) Only eat things that are yummy and in moderation- this sounds simple enough? But just think of the times when you finish food for the sake of finishing it, or sharing food with someone because they can't finish on their own. And how tempting is it to devour a whole tube of Oreos or an entire tub of Haagen Daz? Well, this year, I will at least endeavour not to.

3) Cook more; minimise the intake of processed foods- I challenge you to read the ingredients list beside the boxes of food that you pick off the shelves in the supermarket. Do you know what all of them are? Are there chemicals, preservatives, colouring, unhealthy oils, etc? I'm tired of putting these additives in my body. So for the sake of our health, I will cook and bake from scratch. I know a lot of readers will say that there's no time, and cooking or baking is a luxury, but it doesn't have to be laborious or complicated. I get cakes in the oven in no more than 15-min, Chubbs gets freshly cooked blueberry spelt pancakes for breakfast, and at lunch, I boil soba noodles and tofu to add to miso soup, wakame and spring onions in less than 10-min. When I feel peckish, I make guacamole to go with corn cakes. This is real fast food. And it tastes real good.

4) Reconnect with old friends- marriage and motherhood became my life. And it was easy for me to forget people who used to matter, because I was so consumed with being the best mother to Chubbs and wife to Fuzzy. But I want to regain some balance, and rebuild old friendships. You guys know who you are, please give me this chance.

5) Read- Fuzzy and I have membership cards at Kino, Borders and Times; we buy a lot of books (easily 20 this past few months). Its difficult to commit to a book when I'm Chubbs' sole care-giver. But I will set aside time to indulge in one of my favourite past-times every night before bed. Here's the stack that I'd like to get through before too long. (p.s. I've already finished two books since the year started. Hurrah!)

6) Home-school Chubbs- perhaps not till he gets his PhD, but for the time being. I'll be reseaching on phonics, numbers, music, etc, so that Chubbs can be educated in the scholistic sense of the word as well.

7) Take time for myself- Right before the new year, I went for my first pedicure in 2-years. It made me smile. I'm going to start making time for massages, haircuts, afternoon teas and the like.

There are bound to be more resolutions as the year progresses. But this is just off the top of my head for now. Have a good one!