Thursday, June 25, 2009

For the Last Time...

The g*y-blue Miata is sold... since last night our dating wheels no longer belongs to us. Fuzzy and I are heart-broken :( It's new owner plans to transform it into a track car; Fuzzy's original idea... I'm sorry, Love. We were driving around in this until I was about 8-months preggers; when I was too much of a whale to climb in and out of the 2-seater with ease anymore :/

Despite its queer colour, leaky roof, and tempermental radio, Fuzzy and I loved this car. We used to drive around checking out interesting property, musing about where we'd like to live, how our house will look like, what decor-style to choose... The best part, I was able to take photos of houses/black-and-whites/old buildings easily, with the top down. We love old convertibles!

We took one last joy ride, sans Chubbs, to get groceries (sounds so unhappening) a few nights back. It's so sad that Chubbs won't ever get to know this car, or ride in it beside Daddy, topless :/

The drive felt empty without Chubbs talking to us from his car seat. But it felt good to have the wind in our hair again, and to hold Fuzzy's hand as he drives.

Parting shots...

Didn't realise before that it's so difficult to snap blurred photos.