Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Flax Meal

Chubbs rejects fish. He scrunches his face, spits the food out, and refuses anymore food after that; even fruit is no go! To get some Omega 3 goodness in him, I'm trying flax meal instead. Flax meal is finely ground flax seeds that does not require cooking; simply sprinkle over his cereal or fruit, and feed. One word of caution though; flax is a natural laxative. If you give baby more than one tablespoon a day, he might end up with diarrhea.

For Chubbs' lunch, I mixed fresh apricot puree with barley and brown rice cereal, breastmilk and added 1/2 teaspoon of flax meal (for a start). I think because it was well-disguised, he didn't think much of it and ate his lunch with little added fuss. I think this will be a mainstay in his diet :)

"Who're you calling Chubby!?"