Friday, February 20, 2009


A few days back, S brought her 3-month old baby boy, Asher, over for a play-date with Chubbs. The babies were very pleased to have company, and us moms managed a little conversation too.

 Hello! Hello!

Asher took a short nap in Chubbs' rocker, fed, then the boys got into the crib for some tummy-time.

 Belly good!


Chubbs was very excited, chatting with Asher and trying to touch him the whole time. I think poor Asher was a little over-whelmed :/ But it was a great play-session all round. S and I concluded that the baby boys enjoyed it because Chubbs was happy sharing his toys, and Asher fell contentedly asleep in the car-ride home.

 Till next time...