Thursday, April 9, 2009

7 Months!

Our dear boy is a ripe old 7 months! Heh. I looked back at his newborn photos and I can hardly believe how much bigger he is. He's three times his birth weight, and has grown more than 50% in length. Way to go, buddy!

To "celebrate", I'm starting him on three semi-solid meals a day. He used to only have semi-solids at breakfast and dinner. His daily routine will now go something like this:-

8am- Breastfeed followed by breakfast
10am- nap
11.30am- Breast/bottle feed followed by lunch and play time
2pm- nap
3pm- Breastfeed and play time
5pm- nap
6pm- Breastfeed, dinner then play time
8.30pm- bath
9pm- Breastfeed and sleep (hopefully)

Quite a mouthful, eh? Looking at it, I realise that this leaves me about three hours a day to do everything else :/ And I know it sounds silly, but it's actually stressful planning what to give him at meals. Which fruit flavour goes with which, how much to portion out, how much brown rice cereal to mix in, when must I take the food cubes out of the freezer to thaw, is this enough food, is this too much, will he waste any, when to sterilise the feeding bowl and spoon etc.

To jazz things up a little and add variety, I introduced him to the wonderful world of sweets/ desserts today. Well... almost. As a breakfast treat, I opened a packet of Heinz's Organic Vanilla Custard (rice cereal) for Chubbs. So far, he's only had plain brown rice cereal. This vanilla flavoured one should be good with mashed bananas and apples. Yum!

I opened a box of new toys for Chubbs too. It was a Christmas gift from his four & five year old cousins Ollie, Zac and Tres. He checked them out carefully ("stranger danger!") but didn't quite know what to make of his new play-time buddies yet.

So he decided to lie beside them for a photo instead.

Happy 7-months, little Love!