Tuesday, June 21, 2011

School Holiday Treats

After hitting a nearby playground this afternoon, Chubbs and I decided to seek reprieve from the humidity and heat in Daily Scoop, our favourite ice-cream joint. I thoroughly enjoy sharing a scoop with my son, not at all because I enjoy the frozen treat myself, but I love watching him devour his chocolate ice-cream and chomping on the cone. It's also great talking with him about random topics and listening as hums songs that he made up, as he eats.

Today at the next table, I saw a middle-aged Caucasian lady, sitting with her son who's around 20 years old, sipping a couple of milkshakes, chatting happily with each other, and sharing many laughs. As I watch them, the only thought I had was that in the years to come, I hope I can have a similar relationship with my children. One where we can sit and chat freely about what's happening in our lives, no matter how trivial, and the we would truly be interested in what each other is saying and really listen. But I know that to get there, I need to work hard everyday from now, to build a strong bond and relationship with Chubbs, and also with baby who's coming really soon.