Sunday, May 22, 2011

Feeding Himself

People ask me all the time, "Why don't you let him feed himself? He's so old already!" Fact is, I do. But he just won't get very much eating done, which to me, defeats the purpose of the meal itself. Unless it's one which comprises wholly of ice-cream, chocolate, cookies, biscuits, cheese and fruit; he would gladly wolf everything down before the minute is up. But give him a bowl of rice with chicken and broccoli? Forget it!

But of late, I've been trying to make him as many yummy meals as possible, that hold a slim chance of him actually being willing to pick up the spoon and put food in his mouth. Managed to get a few shots of his drinking his morning milk (usually a chore to get him to drink) and eating a hearty meal of chicken, carrot and potato stew. I was very happy that night.