Monday, May 9, 2011

4 Months to 3!

I was lunching with good friend, S, recently, and she commented that it was so surreal that in just a few months, we would be mothers to three years olds. Her elder boy, A, is only a couple of months younger than Chubbs, and we both agreed that we never expected this day to come so soon. Time just seemed to have flown by.

Life with Chubbs is still pretty much the same; I'm constantly thinking of ways to make his days interesting, educational and fun-filled. Because school is only three hours for him on weekdays, the majority of the time is still spent at home with me. So some days I'll bring him for playdates at his friends', some days swimming (but he hasn't done this is a long time because of a persistent cough, and lots of phlegm), he comes along for supermarketing, etc. It's rather exhausting for me because he has boundless energy, and goes for 12 hours or more straight, without a nap. And it still takes him an hour before falling asleep at night. And he does all this without mid-afternoon temper-tantrums, no crankiness; I guess this is what makes my little bub somewhat special.

Cheers to my ball of energy, and Mommy and Daddy are proud of you everyday.

On the way for a swim.

Early morning shot.