Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chubbs' Ultimate Snack

Everybody I know loves popcorn; especially the kids. But too often than not, the popcorn is made with bad and excessive fat, sugar, salt and colouring. What's meant to be a whole-grain, healthy snack has gained a bad reputation as an artery-clogger. So when Chubbs asks me for popcorn in the late afternoons, several times a week, I make a pot of it, with extra virgin olive oil, and nothing else. And it is delicious! Chubbs and I easily polish off a big bowl of it, and feel very happy, and strangely virtuous afterwards. So guys, give this a try at home (if you haven't before). It takes the merest of minutes, and you'll feed yourself and your kids something yummy and nourishing.

Extra virgin olive oil- enough to lightly coat the base of a heavy bottom pot
A large handful of dried popcorn

1) Lightly cover the base of the pot with the EVOO.

2) Scatter the dried popcorn all over the base of the pot; making sure that there is a little room between each kernal, so that they can absorb the oil and have space to pop.

3) Cover the pot with the lid, and turn the flame on to medium.

4) The kernals will start popping soon. Wait until you can't hear anymore popping, open the lid, pour the fluffy popcorn out, sprinkle with a tiny bit of salt if really necessary, and serve warm!