... started off rocky because little Chubbs came down with the flu on New Year's eve, and he was miserable and groggy half of the day with a fever. Poor boy. So after dinner, we tried to brighten his day by sticking glow-in-the-dark stars all over our bed and his cot. He thoroughly enjoyed this. We finally put him to bed early at 11pm, and quietly ushered in 2011, just Fuzzy and I, with the boy with the most-kissed cheeks in the world, snoring gently beside us. Could not have asked for more.
Jan 1 turned out a little better because Chubbs' fever went away with the good sleep, but the drippy nose launched Phase 2 of the attack; thick, green mucous blocked nose. YUCK! But my son is a trooper, and managed to enjoy the day going Japanese supermarketing with us, even though he threw up on my hands while eating dessert at Tampopo :/
When we got home, I told Fuzzy to play with/ entertain Chubbs while I prepare dinner for the little one. And this is what I returned to find...
The second day of the new year, the little one's nose was still very stuffed, and he snorted away uncomfortably, but we managed to get a lot done. Chubbs especially enjoyed the trip to Vivo City, where I went to pimp my Ray Ban Wayfarers. He loved looking at the cruise ships, and trains that went to and fro Sentosa.
Fuzzy and I even enjoyed some dark drafts and pretzel (Chubbs ate most of it) from Brozeit afters. Chubbs loves the bar/ restaurant because of the cool murals on the walls. He actually asked us to bring him in to look at the drawings more closely. How can we refuse our son? So we had to go in for a few beers, no?
After he gets his drink, we get ours.
Chomping on his bread while enjoying the view.
Admiring the goats, storks, sheep, etc., on the wall.
This photo is classic! Chubbs' going off about some problem with his toy Ferrari, and Mommy blocking it all out with a swig of ale.
After a simple Japanese dinner of soba in miso soup, edamame, cherry tomatoes, and egg, Chubbs wound down and get ready to go to bed.
Playing in his playpen; which he absolutely adores doing.

Playing in GrandPa's room before bed.
Scrubbing off all that gunk of the day.

Combing his hair with the brush he had since infancy.
Then attacking Mommy with it.
Here's to a peaceful, joyous, healthy new year ahead. Happy New Year, everyone!