Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rough Patch

I apologise for not having updated this space in a long time. In all honesty, I haven't the mental capacity nor physical energy to turn on the computer and log into my blog space, much less string words into coherent sentences.

Chubbs has been particular difficult these couple of weeks. He has stopped eating completely again, refuses to take his formula/ fresh milk, throwing tantrums for no reason, doing the direct opposite as you say, and the works. Yup, I know it's the terrible twos, and I know this is part and parcel of toddler hood. Despite all the knowledge we have on this behaviorally experimental stage of their lives, there's still no escaping the hard fact that managing him all day long takes an enormous toll on me. I'm so spent physically and emotionally that my body sometimes shake under the effects of fatigue, exasperation, anger, desperation, hurt and sense of loss, all rolled into one massive stress bubble. I hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.

Nonetheless, Chubbs is still as cheeky as always, and here are a few snapshots of him moping around the house.

3-D glasses are a fashion statement.

As is using the letter B as spectacles.

Playing with Joely, the rottweiler, while eating yoghurt.