Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Sniffles

Chubbs got his first ever bout of sniffles yesterday. His nose was dripping, he was so oozy he could hardly walk straight, he was coughing, he wasn't eating, wasn't drinking his milk, and to cap it off, he threw up all over me. After the monstrous effort to put food into him, everything landed up on my lap (because he felt so sick that he ran to me to lay his head on my lap just seconds before).

He seems a little better today. His nose is stuffed up (can't breathe, can't nurse), he sounds gruff, still coughing, but he's eating a little better, and doesn't seem as grumpy. I feel like such a rookie trying to handle his illness, because he hasn't really been sick this way before. I admit, I'm a noob. I seriously need advice from friends who've been through this.
Despite his not feeling well, he's still keeping up the mischief.

He always gives this smug grin everytime we measure how tall he is; he asks to be measured at least three times a day. This photo was taken just about an hour before he threw up :/

Pretending to take his own temperature right after we took his.