Thursday, March 18, 2010

Zoo and Brunch!

Last weekend was a fun and activity-filled one. We decided on Saturday, to pay a visit to the zoo, since we haven't been there since Chubbs turned one. We wanted to see if he will be more excited to see the animals, now that he is more familiar with them.

Again, Chubbs was put in the hiking harness, which was the best choice for trips like that, because he would have been too low sitting in his stroller to see much, and the Ergo harness meant that he would have to be facing backwards; not good either. He was a happy little camper toted around by Daddy like that, getting adult-height views.
Tickling Daddy.

Looking at mousedeers.

The main difference between this zoo trip and the previous one, is that Chubbs was calling out the animals to us; instead of the other way around. "Pig! Horse! Bird- fly fly fly! Monney (monkey)! Tiger! Oooar (lion)! Bear! Pish (fish)! Fog (frog)!" And on and on it goes. It was like a revision of the Animals 101 course for us adults. But it was great to see how much Chubbs has learnt over the past 6-months. And most amazingly, he can sometimes see the animals in the enclosures way before we could. We have to squint and make a huge effort to scan the space to be able to spot what he's seeing. He got a little frustrated with us sometimes :/

Chubbs was most thrilled by the goats and pygmy horses at the kids section of the zoo. He waved madly at the goats, and was very happy sitting and watching their antics for a while.

My favourite parts of the trip were the pygmy hippos, and the lemurs up close (a first for me). In all, the trip provided us with an excellent workout. Told Fuzzy that we should do zoo trips more often, because we would essentially be walking for more than two hours at a go. Plus, it's educational for Chubbs and us!

Lemurs all around!

Crouched low; hunting for peacocks and more mousedeers with Daddy. Those little ones are really cute.

Mommy hippo kissing baby hippo!

On Sunday, Fuzzy, Chubbs and I met my girlfriends S, and C, for a leisurely brunch at House. While waiting for them to arrive, Chubbs busied himself with looking at the colourful koi in the pond outside the restaurant. He even shouted out "turtle" and "tortoise" when he saw the terapins. I told him they weren't exactly turtles, and he gave me a look that said, "What are you talking about, Mom? Of course they are turtles." I wasn't going to argue. It really made me uncomfortable when he wanted to stand in the pond to play with the fish. We had to really restrain him because he was literally toeing the line. End of fish watching; he wasn't happy. So we proceeded indoors where he ran around, finding rabbits.


We tucked into poached eggs, burgers, truffle fries, and the like, while Chubbs had his first taste of fries... sweet potato fries. He liked them quite a bit, considering how I can never get him to eat any potato at home. He ate almost the whole basket-full!
Evidence of sweet potato feeding.

Fuzzy breaking the painful news to C, that her camera is well and truly broken. By the way, the blurred photos she has been taking with it are not intentionally artistic or lomo.
(Photos courtesy of S.)

For dinner, it was off to me parents', where Chubbs was presented with a wooden whistle, which he was expert at playing. He even did a duet with Niel. I think he's ready to be on Niel's next album.