Friday, February 5, 2010

Conversation with Chubbs

From 10.45pm to 11.15pm, I had one of the first proper conversations with Chubbs.

Chubbs: Daddy. Mommy.
Me: Yes, love. I'm here. Daddy's in the toilet.
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Chubbs: Buck-eat (asking for buckwheat puffs).
Me: It's time to sleep now, love. We have it for breakfast tomorrow, ok?
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Chubbs: Bis-eat (asking for his vanilla cookies, complete with the ASL for biscuits too).
Me: You've brushed your teeth. If you're a good boy tomorrow, Mommy will give you some, ok?
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Chubbs: Daddy. Mommy.
Me: Yes, love. Daddy's still in the toilet.
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Chubbs: Milk-milk?
Chubbs: Mmm-wah. (Kisses me on the lips, like his does everytime before he nurses.)

He finally falls asleep on his own at 11.30pm, after I hummed the same song to him too many times over. Although I didn't discuss any ground-breaking topics with the little one, moments like these are still so precious. Makes everything we do, worth it.

Common bedtime scenes.