Friday, August 19, 2011


Last week, we brought Chubbs for a 1 1/2-hour trial gymnastics class at Hwa Chong Institution. We signed him up for this gymnastics school because the teachers conducting the class are trained gymnasts, and the older children who train under them are competitive gymnasts who have been very successful in competitions. We felt a little more at ease leaving Chubbs in the teachers' hands since he'll be taught forward rolls, assisted handstands, etc.

My objective in sending Chubbs for gymnastics was to improve his coordination, agility and motor dexterity. While watching him in the class, I expected him to struggle a little because the teachers were Chinese, and he was unfamiliar with the exercises that they were taught. But to my surprise, he did really well, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was tough-going for him, but he didn't give up and kept trying to do better. I was very proud of him.

The other aspect of this class, which I didn't anticipate at first, was the discipline that's taught to them. They have to take turns, clear out the space quickly so another kid could have their turn, have their water break in just a couple of minutes, sit quietly for de-briefing after class, etc. If a kid does not take the instructions, they were reprimanded sternly (no Mr. Nice Guy) and the parents will also get an earful. And at the end, the teachers actually took mops to clean up the huge multi-purpose hall after the kids cleared out, which was a refreshing sight.

Forward roll down a slope.

Chubbs is the kid in bottom left.

Waiting their turn to go on the trampoline.