Fuzzy's uncle, who lives in Vancouver, visited for a month recently. Chubbs was inseparable from his Yee Sook Gong (second GrandUncle) the whole time he was here. I loved watching how they bonded, and how comfortable Chubbs was, playing and talking with someone he sees twice a year at most. He was sad when YSG had to leave, and didn't want him to go home. So I asked my son if he'd like to accompany YSG to Vancouver. He said yes, but only if Mommy, Daddy and baby came along too.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
National Day Tradition
This started with the last National Day, when Chubbs sat on the drive-way for dinner while watching the jets fly past. So this year, we set up his chair, I fed him his dinner of sweet potato, fish fingers and cherry tomatoes and we patiently waited for the planes.
But after sitting for a minute, he got up and said that he was worried someone would come down the drive-way and knock him over. So he suggested we put the breakdown sign just where he sat, so drivers will be alerted to his position. Too cute!
Unfortunately this year, the planes changed their course (for safety reasons, we assume) and we only managed to catch about eight jets. But Chubbs still loved sitting out for his picnic dinner, and looking on as Daddy did some gardening. When it got darker, and the mozzies came out for dinner, we retreated to the TV, because Chubbs loves the opening ceremony with the parade commander, uniforms, cannons and such. He was walking around the house with his toy sword, following the parade commander's moves.
We'll be having our picnic dinner again next year, with baby right next to Chubbs.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Last week, we brought Chubbs for a 1 1/2-hour trial gymnastics class at Hwa Chong Institution. We signed him up for this gymnastics school because the teachers conducting the class are trained gymnasts, and the older children who train under them are competitive gymnasts who have been very successful in competitions. We felt a little more at ease leaving Chubbs in the teachers' hands since he'll be taught forward rolls, assisted handstands, etc.
My objective in sending Chubbs for gymnastics was to improve his coordination, agility and motor dexterity. While watching him in the class, I expected him to struggle a little because the teachers were Chinese, and he was unfamiliar with the exercises that they were taught. But to my surprise, he did really well, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was tough-going for him, but he didn't give up and kept trying to do better. I was very proud of him.
The other aspect of this class, which I didn't anticipate at first, was the discipline that's taught to them. They have to take turns, clear out the space quickly so another kid could have their turn, have their water break in just a couple of minutes, sit quietly for de-briefing after class, etc. If a kid does not take the instructions, they were reprimanded sternly (no Mr. Nice Guy) and the parents will also get an earful. And at the end, the teachers actually took mops to clean up the huge multi-purpose hall after the kids cleared out, which was a refreshing sight.
Forward roll down a slope.
Chubbs is the kid in bottom left.
Waiting their turn to go on the trampoline.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Our 2 1/2- Hour Walk

Fuzzy, Chubbs, and I took a long walk along the Southern Ridges route, from Hort Park, all the way past Henderson Walk and back. Took us more than 2 1/2- hours because Chubbs walked along with us, without stroller, and I had to take things easy as well.
When I suggested the walk to Fuzzy, I didn't realise how hard-going it would be for me. I had forgotten that I had a low-lying placenta during this pregnancy; which means I have a lot more pressure on my pelvis than a regular pregnancy. Every step taken with my huge belly was a challenge. There's an endless urge to pee, and the pressure and discomfort forced me to tread very lightly and slowly. Nonetheless, I was glad we made the trip because Chubbs had an awesome time. And he walked more than 3/4 of the way, only complaining of aches in his legs at the end.
He enjoyed the sights along the way, such as a very tall durian tree with lots of hanging fruit, both the beautiful bridges we crossed (he called them dinosaurs) and the monkeys who joined us at the end.
Pointing at the durians on the tree.
Putting his feet in the yellow foot-prints.
Playing on the bridge at Henderson.
Resting in Daddy's arms.
Crossing the final bridge. "We did it!"
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Doting Kor-Kor
Don't think I've announced this yet; but our second child is a girl! And no one is more thrilled than Chubbs; he already loves his unborn mei-mei. He has sweetly offered her one of his pillows that he's had since he was born, and says he'll just keep his bolster. He sings and reads to her. He lies his head beside my tummy to sleep every night so that he can sleep beside her. Every chance he gets, he places his hand on my tummy to pat mei-mei and also tickles and kisses my tummy, like he's actually able to touch her. My heart turns to mush.
While watching TV.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
His Sweet Tooth
There are some foods, which Chubbs is unable to resist. At the top of this privileged group (mainly sweet stuff) of foods stands vanilla or chocolate ice-cream and certain biscuits and cookies. He could have just eaten a full meal, be in the midst of playing with toys or reading a book, and he'd still be able to devour large quantities of his favourites.
He loves these Organix wholemeal currant cookies. They come in these great small packets for little hands, and the round cookies are the perfect size for kids to pop into their mouths. He can't get enough of them; always looking sad when his hand digs around and finds no more cookies in the packet.
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