Friday, July 9, 2010

Night at the Museum

To celebrate Chubbs turning 22-months old, we brought him to the Singapore Art Museum for their Art Garden showcase.

Chubbs and the big, white rabbit. He was thrilled by it.

First stop; a room full of green, pyramid-shaped pillows- which he got attacked by a boy with.

Tackling one of the many flights of stairs to get to the other rooms.

The fun really started upstairs. All I can say is... bring on the girls!

Some of the older girls that he harassed.

I had to remove him from the situation to prevent lawsuits from landing on my lap, and he got a few good minutes of alone playtime, where he could make flowers disappear with his shadow. Then he found a female fan.

She hugged and kissed him. Then flashed him :/

After she got pried away by her rather embarassed parents, we moved to a room full of flower robots that grow, bloom, etc. I loved watching them ands hearing them "grow"! And so did Chubbs.
Very intrigued by the flower robots.

Our last stop was a room covered with paintings of forest animals from ceiling to floor. He enjoyed the drawings very much, and took his time to admire the animals and stories behind them.
The big bad wolf. He said, "Huff, puff, phoo (blowing an uncomfortable amount of saliva into my face)."

Discussing the paintings with the in-charge.

Unfortunately, his fun was cut short when an older girl ran into him. The bump lifted him off the ground, and he smashed the side of his head onto the concrete floor. He cried hard. But my son is tough and sturdy. Once the pain subsided, he ran around unperturbed, with a red swelling that stretched from his temple to his cheek.
After he got taken down; still bubbly as ever.