Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So the little one is sick. Very sick. Caught some germs from an "unknown" mucous-dripping, mad coughing source, and since Friday, he's been running a high 38 degree fever, fighting a runny nose, coughing till he can't breathe, not eating or drinking at all because his throat is bloody sore, and feeling rather irritated since he doesn't know how to cough up his phlegm. Poor boy.

Perhaps the worst to come out of all this, is that he coughs so hard in the middle of the night that he throws up. He puked twice last night. So at 3.30am, Fuzzy and I were changing sheets, cleaning him up, changing his pajamas, giving him more meds (he's on four different ones now), getting him a drink, etc.

We're tired. Please pray that he gets better soon, and we keep our sanity through this.

When he was still eating :/

Super "pai-kia" proud look while feeding himself.