Saturday, November 7, 2009

What a Great (Green) Day!

Today was kinda perfect. We started off with a lazy breakfast at Simply Bread; cups of black coffee, raisin roll and brown rolls for Chubbs and I (wholewheat rolls with seeds- Chubbs finishes one on his own), with whipped butter. Chubbs loves this place. He talks to the aunties pottering about, and watches kids scootering in and out, other babies eating and kids playing tag.

Then it was off to grocery shopping at Finest, where I bought some hydroponically-grown, pesticide free leafy greens (xiao bai cai in Chinese) for Chubbs, and it was home for a nap and lunch. With his omelette and steamed Australian blue pumpkin, he had some sauteed spinach (called wong dei choy in Cantonese) on the side. He's been having this veg for a few days, and I'm surprised he eats it because it gets slimy as you chew on it :/ He had the xiao bai cai with his dinner, and fancied the crunchy stems more than he did the leaves. He also tried corn thins for the first time today. It's an Aussie brand called Real Foods, and it's basically corn cakes made of puffed whole corn kernels, sea salt and sunflower oil. I eat this often as a snack, and now Chubbs can snack with me :)

Seeing that it was a cloudy day, we headed out to the Botanical Gardens after lunch for Chubbs to run off some energy. It was the first time that he has walked on such uneven/ sloping ground, and I think it tired him out quite a bit, especially after chasing me up the slopes. Uncharacteristically, he was rather subdued in his stroller and car ride back.

To cool off and replenish the burnt calories, we drove to Ben & Jerry's at Dempsey for ice-cream in huge waffle cones. Fuzzy let Chubbs nibble on the cone when he thought I wasn't watching :/, and baby loved it. So he got some waffle cone as a snack while the adults had our scoops. Mega yum!

Great day spent with my Loves. Can't ask for more.