Sunday, June 3, 2012
Days at the Arts House
Last year, Chubbs and I were introduced to Big Eyes, Big Minds, by a good friend, D. Every year, they hold a children's film festival and run screenings at the Arts House, and each screening consists of short children films from all over the world. There are shows for kids of all ages, and the stories left such an impression on Chubbs last year, that he made us scour YouTube for more clips. He has been happily watching these lovely short stories ever since.
This year, he went for two screenings, one featuring new short stories, and the other, a compilation of music from the Muppets throughout its history. He particularly enjoyed the former, and has been talking about some of the clips for days. While lying in bed that night, he said, "Mommy, I had a good day today." That was the nicest thing I've ever heard.
We went for the Muppets show today and we came across an old Volkswagen bus that was being used for a wedding. He was super excited as it was in the exact same colour as Filmore in the movie Cars. He happily posed for a photo, which almost never ever happens. It made his day. And that made my day.