Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sick at 2 Years and 7 Months

Chubbs' been down for a week, with flu, cough, lots of phlegm and an on/ off fever. He hasn't really had much fun and has been missing out on school a bit too. But the amazing thing about my son, is that no matter how oozy he feels, how much his nose is dripping, how high his fever is, he is never bad-tempered, nor cranky. He still remains mild-mannered, cheerful and always cracking jokes. So much so that people around him hardly realize that he's sick, until they hear his chesty cough, hug him or put their hand to his forehead and feel how warm he is. For that, I take my hat off to him.

Now that my boy is slightly past two and a half, he definitely learning a lot faster, and his thirst for knowledge is voracious. The only tricky thing for me is how to keep up with him. I find myself using Wikipedia very often, and I'm so thankful that I have a phone that allows me to Google things on the spot when he asks. He's currently into dinosaurs (a topic I hardly am familiar with), and through books and the Internet, he can now say the names of and easily identify basic species such as diplodocus, triceratops, tyrannosaurus rex, yingshanosaurus, pterodactyl, spinosaurus, allosaurus, baryonx, etc. He surprised Fuzzy with a new dinosaur name pretty often, when he returns from work in the evening.

Goofing around before bath time in less sick times.