Over the past few months, the stork visited a few of our close friends too. It'll be really adorable when these cutie-pies start playing with each other.
First up, Fuzzy's Purdue mate, N, and wife, S, welcomed lovely Caitlyn middle of this year. They are based in Washington DC now, maybe that explains her gorgeous rosy cheeks!

Wanna pinch those cheeks!
Gone are the days when the boys played Metal Gear Solid for days on end, gorging themselves silly with beer and pizza. Don't know when they will return to S'pore, but we will definitely have lots to catch up on when we meet. Might even visit them in DC, if we make a trip next year. Guess the dads will have more substantial stuff (i.e. marriage, baby, work, wife) to talk about apart from video games.
Isabelle was next to arrive. She's a pink, round, cuddly bundle of JOY!
Chubbs, Isabelle and doggy
Isabelle's mommy, M, has been a source of encouragement to me. M's very knowledgeable about baby stuff, so she's almost the first person I turn to when something's worrying me about Chubbs. But often, she simply provides me the reassurance that Chubbs is doing fine. Moms are a "little" paranoid by default. Since Isabelle's a few months older, I find myself comparing notes with M frequently to see if Chubbs' growth and development are on the right track. During the trying weeks with Chubbs, M said when the going gets tough, she tells herself that tomorrow will be a better day. Sounds like simple advice, but that was what kept me going many (colicky) days in a row. Thanks M!
Our little angel Chubbs came along 3-months after.
Quite recently, my childhood friend S, became proud mama to spunky-haired Asher. He's a serene, happy little chap with bright eyes.
Peek-a-boo at birth!
I've known S for at least 12 years. She's been my steadfast support and listening ear as long as I can remember. S is my voice of reason, always playing the "angel" character in my head. I recall the carefree days when we spent watching endless episodes of Lost and me staying over during Christmas, sleeping under the tree. This is so surreal... we're moms now! Can you believe it, S? It thrills me to think (wistfully) of when the boys (meaning Chubbs, Asher, J- S' hubby, and Fuzzy) can start playing together and leave us girls to our tete-a-tete over bags of Estrelle. Remember the cheese and wine picnic that we had at Botanic gardens, S? Felt just like yesterday, huh?
A few days later, another Purdue pal J and his wife, C, welcomed their little darling Natasha.
(picture akan datang)
It's endearing to see how the guys' vocabulary evolved from rims, tyres and brakes to strollers, diapers, and bottle feeding. Wouldn't say they're no longer car-crazy though. Fuzzy recently went through an exhaust-obsession. He claims to have wanted to "zeng" the car because the ride was too quiet, and that's why Chubbs always cried when he sat in it. Not because baby was sleepy, hungry, warm or bored, but simply because the exhaust was not loud enough. Fuzzy knows he could have come up with a better lame excuse, but I indulge him anyway. Plus it was probably refreshing for him and J to discuss something familiar, for a change. So a few hundred dollars later, my hubby is a much happier man, and Chubbs, keen to compete with the new exhaust, cries even louder than before.
Its comforting to have friends who understand what we are going through and can relate with our daily struggles. Parenthood is still a novel experience, but it grows on you. Fuzzy and I cherish every moment of it because we know Chubbs will grow up all too soon. And our fellow noob parents have certainly helped make parenting more enjoyable.