We've waited a long time for this; Chubbs especially. He's gotten so much more aware of his birthday this year, and was super excited when he heard that we were going to throw him a party. Chubbs asked me numerous times every day for weeks before the party, which of his classmates were coming, where it was to be held, what cake he'd have, etc.
I planned something extra special for him this year because it was his last hurrah before baby arrives in a month's time. So we invited about 50 relatives, and about 20 of his kiddie friends and their mommies and daddies for the celebration.
A construction site cake that he requested for.

The boys were very interested in the cake, and Chubbs was thrilled by it.
The sugar from the cake recharged the kids for some bubble play in the lawn.
The footballs were perfect for the kids on the huge grassy patch.
The second celebration we had was a simple dinner at my parents'. It was a quiet evening with great beef stew, which Chubbs' loved and ate a lot of, together with bread and butter, followed by an orange birthday cake with cream cheese frosting. It bugs me that didn't bake Chubbs his construction site cake, and to me, it's just not a birthday if I don't bake something special for him. And I'll definitely continue this tradition for baby.
He requested for his cake to be decorated with characters from Cars.

Doing a great job at cutting his cake.
Removing his "friends" before tucking in. I was surprised that he ate a substantial slice of it after his filling dinner.
Waking up as a 3 year-old today.
We had a full and fun day planned, filled with all his favourite activities and foods. Breakfast at Mac's, getting his Hotcakes fix and Smurfs' toys, back home to open and play with new toys, lunch at his top restaurant (the hand-made soba place at Paragon), go for my gynea appointment and picking up Imperial Treasure noodles and Classic's crepe cake for dinner celebration at home.
The most processed food ever :(
He polished off an omelette, a full serving of cold soba noodles, fruit and a scoop of ice-cream. He was very belly happy.
His third cake request this year. Dinosaurs!
He was laughing and bubbly the whole day, and it makes us so happy watching him have fun. I think he really enjoyed this birthday this year. Fuzzy and I keep lamenting, almost teary-eyed, to each other that our son is growing up so fast. He's a big boy now, who can carry out discussions on dinosaurs, construction vehicles, cars, etc. He never fails to amaze us. Daddy and Mommy love you, sweetest darling. Happy birthday!