We've been pooped, pee-ed and puked on by our multi-tasking Chubbs since 09 Sept. You'll be surprised to find that us noobs still get caught off guard even as he's pushing 3-months. However, putting all that (crap) aside, Fuzzy and I (LMG) have been blessed with endless hours of heart-melting squeals, coos and giggles. Before we go further, here is the cast of the show...
LMG (Little Miss Greedy)

Friends will know that I am one of the biggest IT atheists around and the idea of me having a blog is truly ticklish. But I have my Fuzzy hubby (who's a whiz at this stuff) to provide all the technical help necessary, so that we can have proper documentation of the chaos that is now our life. Plus, this is a good avenue for friends and family abroad to be a part of baby Chubbs' exciting adventure.
Fuzzy and I have discovered that parenting is seriously tough (we thought sitting in an air-conditioned office from 9am-6.30pm with flexible toilet, coffee and lunch breaks was bad). But reward comes when we get that genuine toothless smile first thing in the morning when he opens his eyes, a big splash of soapy bathwater in our faces followed by a yelp of delight, the gigantic loud yawns, those 45-min long baby conversations etc. Those 10-hour days of colic-crying (with only feed recesses in between), endless nights of carrying him to sleep sitting upright (he had reflux), hallucinations during the day because of sheer fatigue, are now a distant memory.
Ok his nap is almost over. Time to squeeze into that Supermom lycra again (damn those post-preggers pounds)! Till next time...