Tuesday, March 13, 2012

School Carnival 2012

Chubbs was particularly excited about his annual school carnival this year. This is one of the main things that highlight how much he's matured in a year. He actually knows what's going on nowadays. He was telling me for weeks prior, that there would be games, lots of food, activities like soap-making, and most importantly, a bouncy castle. He was so looking forward to the day.

"Fishing" as many ping pong balls as possible. He said to me sadly at the end of the day, "Mommy, I needed to scoop 7 balls to win. But I only got 5." Poor boy. I told him he'd do better next year. The funniest thing was, he was carefully picking out only the orange ping pong balls, and making sure to drain off the water before plopping them into the pails. Made me laugh hard.

Throwing the ball into the frog's mouth; his favourite game at the fair; he won two prizes!

His favourite part of the day was undoubtedly the bouncy castle. He went on it three times, and the queues were long, mind you. He had a blast!


Mae, at the end of a fun-filled afternoon. To next year's carnival!