Friday, June 10, 2011

Libraries are FUN!

Besides shopping malls, there's not much else to do in Singapore during the stormy (read: flooding) season. So last weekend, we brought Chubbs along for a library exploration weekend at the Esplanade and National Library (the only public libraries with sheltered parking).

There was also an animal exhibit at the Esplanade, which Chubbs enjoyed checking out.

Another animal exhibit.

Pointing out "A" for his name.

Unfortunately for Chubbs, the Esplanade library is one dedicated to the Arts. So they had stacks of DVDs carrying movies from all over the world. But he did manage to browse an entire book weighing a few kilos, depicting Sesame Street characters and the people behind the voice and puppetry, and also borrow the sequel to Land Before Time to watch back home.

The next day, still raining, we were off to the National Library. I love the kids' corner in this place. Lots and lots of comfy chairs and couches for the children to sit and read. But Chubbs sometimes preferred joining older girls to read on the floor.

This is a great humidity-free, perspiration-proof, educational family activity! Think we might make this a bi-monthly outing from now on, and I especially love how the library quietens down closer to dinner, when the kids are all hauled back for their meals. Chubbs loved all the books we borrowed and I've been re-reading them to him, numerous times daily since then.