Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today... For Sure!

17 weeks and counting. That's how many weeks I am now pregnant with no. 2. And today was the first time that I confirmed baby's kicking! It was very exciting for me and it warms my heart to feel how tiny baby's hands and feet are. I can only feel 1-cm or so imprints. So precious.

Five months plus into the pregnancy and the issues related to early pregnancy have finally eased (though not completely subsided). I was extremely nauseous for the first four months, and car rides were especially tough. The nausea hit me initially at around noon everyday, then the timeslot changed, and it started from around 4pm and lasted to 8pm daily. Dinner was tortuous. Besides nausea, I also had days in the late afternoon when I could almost pass out while standing, from fatigue. If I sat in a chair during those bouts, I would fall into deep sleep in five seconds. I would be knocked out for 30-min or so, and would wake up fresh as a lark. Thankfully, that phase has passed too. It was probably because I cut out all caffeine (on top of raw fish, alcohol, soft cheeses, etc.) from my diet the moment I find out I'm pregnant. No coffee, no tea (except herb teas), minimal chocolate and no fizzy drinks. I went from three cups of strong coffee a day, to none at all. It must have contributed to my fatigue.

Chubbs has been extremely sweet and caring towards his unborn younger sibling; more so than I ever expected or could ask for. He's been sharing precious toy cars with baby by rolling the cars over my belly. He also thinks that my belly button is the portal through which he can reach baby. So he hi-fives very gently and kisses my belly button to get to baby. It's endearing and I'm really proud of kor-kor.

My tummy is getting bigger as I type and I reckon I'll be way bigger than when I carried Chubbs. Everything seems to be moving so fast, and I can't believe how the months have flown by. But I'm thankful for the month of school holidays for Chubbs, as this is the last chance I'll be able to devote all my energy to him, and provide him with undivided attention and unlimited play time before baby arrives in end Oct/ early Nov. Don't think I'll be as energetic or mobile once the third trimester strikes. It's already getting more and more difficult to carry all 16kg of Chubbs around. But we'll take each day as it comes, and the focus now is just to take care of my health and nutrition to have the healthiest baby possible.

Taken almost a month back, on Mothers' Day.