Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Live Shows

I was reading some parent's forums and found out that there were some live shows for children at different malls, where there'll be singing, dancing, and the lot. So I chose the ones most suited for Chubbs, which feature the characters or shows he's most fond off.

Thomas and Friends at Millenia Walk was first on the list, and we thought we were way early when we reached 30-min before the show. We were wrong, because the arena was almost fully occupied. But we still managed to snag a decent spot and Chubbs sat patiently, waiting for the show to begin.

The little one was really subdued during the short performance, just lying meekly on Fuzzy's shoulder as he watched. We thought he couldn't see well, and hoisted him up on Fuzzy's shoulder. But his expression was the same. I thought at that point, that we made a wasted trip because Chubbs didn't look like he was enjoying it. After the show, as we made our way to the great ramen place upstairs at Parco for lunch, Chubbs became suddenly chatty and excitedly recounted the entire show that he just saw. Including which characters were present, the songs they sang (he proceeded to sing "Jingle Bells" with gusto), and how he loves Thomas. He was just watching quietly and absorbing everything that was going on, in his own way. The only gripes we had about this performance was that the volume was rather high, since most of the audience was just meters from the speakers. We had to cover Chubbs' ears half the time, because even my ears were hurting.

The other series that Chubbs enjoys is the Mr. Men and Little Miss stories. Shan, my younger brother-in-law, has the entire series of books (bought more than 10 years ago), and Chubbs loves reading them. So we braved the crowds and brought him to Takashimaya to catch their live show.

This wasn't a pleasant experience at all. The volume was on so high that I instantly had a headache when the show began. And Chubbs wanted out of there asap because it was unbearably loud. He didn't watch a single minute of the show. But we couldn't escape because the exit was blocked by parents and kids who wanted to get in to watch the goings on. Fuzzy measured how loud it was with an App on the iPhone, and it was consistently above 100decibels. That's equivalent to standing right beside a chainsaw in use, being in a rock concert, and if your home stereo was at maximum volume.

Since we couldn't escape, we plugged Chubbs' ears the whole performance, and hoped it would end soon. Tried to make the best of the trip and get Chubbs' photo taken with one of his favourite characters, Mr. Bump. He didn't even want that :(

He was very much happier looking at Transformers toys, after they killed the noise.